My first blog post for 2016 has Troye Sivan lyrics for the title.

I'm normally not this pessimistic (despite the 'angsty girl' facade I try to establish), but I think all the hype for New Year's is a tad ludicrous. Let's admit it - the last day of 2015 isn't any different from the first day of 2016 (except maybe for the fact that I have a massive food baby now), and that *screams* timE IS JUST AN ILLUSION. We're the only species with years to begin with, and it seems we're also the only ones who seem to benefit from it.
I suppose you have all the right to call me a hypocrite, as it's actually my favorite holiday. It's ridiculous (because timE IS JUST AN ILLUSION), but there's also something so cathartic in this concept; it's a new year, 366 days with no mistakes, nothing to dread, and a whole lot of new opportunities. And even though timE IS JUST AN ILLUSION, the idea (or the illusion, rather) of a clean slate is admittedly inviting. 
I guess I've fallen in love with humans' naive attempt at timekeeping (even though it's all an ILLUSION). It limits us, yes, but in  a way, it also gives us a sense of forgiveness. Even the worst days in history are only twenty-four hours long, after all.
It's a known fact that I'm too sentimental for my own good, but when the clock struck midnight, I started to cry, and that has never happened before. I guess I'm just proud of us, of everyone. We made it, folks - 2015 kicked us around and fucked us up, but there we all are, dancing around to the fact that 2016 has arrived, and we are forgiven.
I bet you've heard a suburban relative exclaim, "you'll be in the bathroom for a whole year if you're sitting on the toilet on midnight!" or some related remark, as if what we do on the first few hours of a year dictate what we'll be doing for the rest of it. Well, suburban relative, I spent the first ten minutes of ~*twenty-sixteen*~ washing the dishes because I wanted to - you can shove tax bills up my ass and call me exemplary but know that I rarely have initiative for chores, and I think this means I'll be scrubbing greasy plates for 366 days, or that I'll finally take control of my own life. I'm really rooting for the latter. 

Happy new year, everyone, even though timE IS JUST AN ILLUSION.


  1. I'm obsessed with every single picture and actually agree with every word of this post

  2. ok wow this post is EVERYTHING! I have fallen head over heelz for your blog and you, man! You are SO cool! These pictures are SO neat! Like, I'm so capslock & heart-eyes over everything right now! <3 <3 <3

    Vogue Escapade

  3. Happy belated new year to you, Andrea! This is an interesting insight about the new year celebrations, and I might just agree with you - sometimes the celebrations can be a little too overwhelming just to celebrate an ordinary day in a new calendar, haha. Have a lovely February! :)

    The Happy Candle
