"Upon a half-panicked google search of 'unfurled', I instantly thought of those nights as a teenager where you just stay in your room and be alone, like a sleepover except you're on your own. There's a certain kind of comfort that can only be found in that kind of vulnerability, as I think it's a time where we let loose the most. I'm so fascinated with the idea that it's the four walls of our teenage bedroom that know us the most, and the most magic happens when we're alone in it."
 Unfurled Within Four Walls
December 2016
Read Here

"Tell me all the planets are hollow. Tell me I can crack them open and live in their quiet."
Mail to: The Universe
January 2017
Read Here 

"There's also a certain kind of joy you only find in the colorful stories of others, in putting on someone else's shoes and discovering that there is a world so much bigger than you."

Sincerely, the Cosmically Insignificant
April-May 2017

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